Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Project Synopsis

Project Title: www.XML_Tracker.Com

Introduction To application Area

This Project is used to for different Purpose through XML Language and XSL Transaction and including CSS and DHTML Format. The Main idea behind this project is to track the user details of this website and store in an xml file. So we can store and manipulate the data with out using a database. The users of the site can create and host different advertisements based on their requirements. This is main attraction of the site.

Modules of the Project

XML Read And Write Module

XML Advertisement Module

XSL Format Module

XML Data Passing through Remoting

1. XML Read And Write Module

In this module we can write the user entered data we can write the XML format file into Server Machine and Read the file from Server Machine into the same format

2. XML Advertisement Module

The User entered data we can put the Advertisement File and call different pictures through XML format File. And this type we can put the Server and client Machine.

3. XSL Format Module

This Module user data can be converted into XSL files. XSL files is used to presentation of an XML document and used to translate XML documents into other formats like DHTML. XSL files we can make a style sheet language aimed at activities such as rearranging the document that are supported by CSS

4. XML Data Passing through Remoting

The XML Data format passing from Server to Client machine is using Remoting. We can get the Data from different Server to Client Machine.


The Project Entitled “WebSchool”, is a total general purpose online product that will manage the entire information of a school. This project is a proposal to completely automate the work in a school. This project is mainly indented for providing an efficient means of administration starting from the front Office to the point where the result of the student is published and delivered. The working of the software start with the registration of the student and teacher and maintains the entire activities like the attendance, assignments, examination details etc. This software will work as a tool at office, can be used by a teacher and can even do good to the guardians. This software is to be developed using C#.NET and ASP.NET with Sql server as the Database.

The objective of this project is to develop a system to computerize the office activities of the school, which is now maintained manually. It also includes the computerization of activities handled by the teacher like the student attendance, general administration and the generation of student progress sheets.

Computerization of the above said areas would reduce the disadvantages of the existing system such as low speed, excessive paper work and huge expense. The new system is very user friendly and flexible which can meet the requirements in time.
System Objectives
The project entitled “WebSchool” is targeted to simplify the aspects concerned with general school administration. This application focuses on initial servicing to be made by the school right from the student entry into the school to the date he moves out. The major objectives of the system can be listed as the following: -

It gives the Administrator complete control over the system. This gives him permission to enter new student and teachers and modify their data whenever necessary.
Each student is provided a separate account where he/she can view his attendance marks and other personal details.
Each teacher is also provided a separate account where he/she is provided with the privilege to access the details of all the students and enter marks and attendance details accordingly
The parent login gives the parent access to view the details of their children like their marks and attendance.
An additional field called the notice board is also being implemented which can send notices to all the different layers from the administrator and the teachers.
.Other objectives are:-

To Make student identification easy
To identify the current student details.
To maintain the teacher information.
To keep track of the student appraisal.
To identify the status of the student at a given period.
To initiate better office
To make a paper less office

The project is mainly divided into Five Modules
(i) Administration Module
(ii) Teacher Module
(iii) Student Module
(iv) Parent Module
(v) Appraisal Report Module

The Administration Module.

Administration module is the core module in this software. This module provide administrator to add information regarding students, teacher details. It also provides authentication facilities to the above resources. The functions of Administration Module include publishing notices to the various departments. It also includes scheduling of class timetables and exam timetables. This module provides the facility to send and receive mails to and from Parents, Teachers, and Students.

The Teacher Module

Teacher module in this software deals with various internal activities in the school. This module is responsible for recording the attendance of students, Scheduling class tests, assigning Home Works to the students belonging to various classes. Keeping the individual marks of students in various exams is another activity happening in this module. It also provides facility for viewing the notices, send and receive mails from various levels of the organization.

The Student Module

In Student module, the students can view their attendance, assignments, homework etc.
This module provides the facility for viewing the attendance of individual students on a particular day or a given period of time. This module is concerned with viewing the details of class timetables, exam timetables, marks for various exams, and appraisal reports. Mails and notice facilities are also included in this module.

The Parent Module
The Parent module includes the facility for viewing the attendance of their children. They can also access the exam results and progress reports of their children. The Parents can communicate with the various levels of the organization through mails. Viewing notices from various level is the another facility included in this module.
The Appraisal Report

One of the importance of this application is to decrease the discrepancy in the generation of the Student Appraisal reports. This module concentrates on student to exam wise marks entry and the generation of the progress report. This is implemented by collecting information from the administration module and the student module.

Web Framework

Project Title: Web Framework

Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using C#). The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.
Introduction to application Area

The project aims at facilitating the website programmer a framework where he can create web pages dynamicaly. Our framework takes input from an xml in which the user requirements is specified in user tags. We will pass this xml file and based on the info we will create the pages needed..The project will be implemented as follows. Initially we create a website. A user who needs to use our facility needs to register with our site. Once that is done he can login and upload an xml file or use the settings page to his requirements, and once he submits it, a folder is created and provided to him. He can download the folder and can use the files for his application..
1. Administrator Module
• Create HTML file
• Convert XML to Sql Database
• Create .cs file
2. user Module
• User Creation
• Upload XML File
• Down Load HTML File

Virtual Teacher

Virtual Teacher

Virtual teacher can help o overcome many obstacles of life. There is a benefit that students can learn at home or any place they choose, where you have access to a computer with Internet access. As a distance education student, all student works independently, but they are not alone. Technology links them to their faculty members. The project virtual teacher is a network based intranet application. The project aims two categories of uses administrator and user. Using this project teacher can teach students through presentation. Students can create their on assignment as presentation and can submit to teachers.

This project mainly contain 2 modules
1. Administrator

• Teacher registration
In this module teacher can register by giving their username, password etc.
• Send mail
In this module teacher can sent mail to users and can receive mail from students.
• Create presentation
In this module teacher can create presentation and can sent to students to view and hear.
• Check request
In this module teacher can check request sent by user.
2. User

• Member registration
In this module student can register by giving their username, password etc.
• Send mail
In this module student can sent mail to users and can receive mail from students.

• Create and edit presentation
In this module student can create/edit presentation and can sent to teacher to view and hear.

• Send request
In this module student can sent request for presentation to teacher.


Project Synopsis

Project Title: e-RECRUITER
Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using C#) and database will be SQL Server 2000. The Web Server will be IIS.
Introduction to application Area

The project titled VIRTUAL INTERVIEW & RECRUIT deals with the web based Job Search, Job Posting, Online Interview & recruitment. Employers can search and find out the suitable candidates by using the online interview facility which is provided in this website.
Modules of the Project
1) Candidate Registration Module
The module helps in registration of the prospective candidates with the system. The candidates have to register with site to get a login. They have to enter the personal details during the registration process. The data entered by the user will be strictly validated inside the web site. Once the login is available they can register their CV with the site.
2) Company Module

The module helps in registration of the companies with the site. The site will receive the company details like, type of company, location of company, Types of Vacancy, Departments etc. Once registered, they will get a user id and password to get into the system. Then can access the different services offered by the web site such as posting of jobs, searching of employees and online interview etc.

3) Job Posting Module

The module helps the registered companies to post their job openings with the site. Posting of job includes data entry like type of requirement, minimum qualification, minimum experience and location of work.
4) Search Module

The module helps in searching of jobs posted by the candidates as well as the search of matching candidates by the companies. The two way search facility is available with the site. Companies can search the registered employees and they can view employee profiles to find out the suitable one. And employees can search the different job openings which are posted by the registered companies.
5) Resume posting and Job Application Module
The module helps the employees to post their resume to the website. The module helps in sending an online application to the company for a job published in the web site.
6) Call Letter Module

The module helps in generation of Call Letters for the candidates based on the application submitted by them.
7) Automatic Mailer Module

The module helps in sending automatic emails to members of the site on a regular basis for the jobs posted in the site.
8) Online interview module

The registered companies can search and find employees who satisfies their criteria. And they can conduct online interview with the candidates to know the ability of the candidate. This is based on Online Chatting between different departments of the Company & the short listed Candidate. This will be an Interactive ONLINE Communication between Clients and Candidate, which will help in ease the recruit procedure.
9)Administration Module

The module helps in administration of the site and generation of administrative level reports like number of registration per day and numbers of call letters send through the site on different time intervals. The module also helps in automatic backup and recovery of data in the database.



This is a web based Image, Video Sharing application.
The Main Modules are:

1. Admin
Administrator can restrict access to albums based on user rights/groups. E-mail notifications can be sent to selected users notifying them when new pictures are available.
• View registered user
In this module administrator can view registered users.
• View daily status
Administrator can view daily status of users.
2. User
This module Provides access to pictures and video clips, and albums using a web browser. Features include:

Retrieving pictures or video clips in the album.
Filtering out pictures which the current user is not authorized to see. Filter albums based on date posted.
o Search for images based on attributes such as keywords and date created/posted.
• Create User Group
In this module user can create their own user group. User can take membership from other user group.
• Upload image/down load
User can upload or download images using this. In this module user can set privileges to images. It may private to his user group or public.
• Preview and Play module
Users can Preview images in albums as thumbnails or view each image individually in a slide show.
• Mailing
In this module user can send and receive mail.

Universal Smart Card

Project Title: Universal Smart Card

Introduction to application Area

. “Universal smart cards” is a web based network marketing cum secured shopping application. We can split the application into two areas .The first, network marketing and second smart shopping. The concept behind this project is uniquely different. This is neither a shopping site nor a marketing site.
The first area of the application is related to creating network of users. The network of users will grow in a specific manner. And the later is centered on the shopping. In network creation process each user will be allotted a highly secured smart card. When the user goes for purchasing to a shop which is registered to our site (and is having a smart card reader; which is provided by the company) after billing he can swap his card in the machine and a certain percent of billed amount will be debited to the card. And thus he will get a huge amount without any effort, with in small period. And he will also get commission while his child members conduct purchase from smart shops.
At times he can purchase using the smart card itself. And the cardholder can not with draw the amount in the card as money. He can only purchase using card. This increases the sales cycle also. Ultimately this concept tries to improve the shopping and thus to improve the sales performance of the smart shops.

Modules of the Project

Administrative module

This module takes care of all the data management of the application. Master data creation and maintenance will be done by an administrator. Master data creation include creation of states, creation of districts, creation of regions, creation of cardholders, set and edit commission etc. The administrator also have the permission to take database back up and download the database backup to his/her local hard disk. Administrator also has the right to upload the details of smart shops. The Administration is secured. This module takes care of all the data management of the application.

Smart Shops Validation Module

This module deals with the addition and Inclusions of new types and
category of shops, along with the required security settings and valid settings of the establishments.

Region Module

With this module you can add new regions. A region means Franchise. After the region creation, each region is able to join members. Each member will get a smart card. The details about the user and card details will stored to master database only after the approval of the administrator. Franchise can view the Active members and they can access the commission details of their child members.

User module

A user can join and he will get the smart card at a cost of 250 Rs. And he has to join his child members to the network. And he will get certain commission amount of commission from his child members. And that amount will be added to the smart card.

Smart module
This is the most important module of the project. We are implementing a DTS (Data Transformation Service) Package of an RDBMS. This module allows us to shop using the smart card which is issued by the company. The technical division of the card manufacturing company will give notepad data of the card’s output. We convert this notepad output to SQL server database. In database the administrator can search and find the total commission scored by the user, total amount which is consumed by the user through purchase.
Report module

This module contains the process of reporting. Administrator can create various reports like number of card holders per month, per week, per day and details of card holder’s district wise, region wide etc. Administrator will be able to create report of commission of members, commission of franchise etc. Franchise can create reports based on member status, i.e. applied / approved etc. The users will get a report of their child card holders and the details of smart shops etc.

Cart Creation Module

The module is the heart of the application. In this module we are creating a shopping cart based on the selection of the user. User selects the products as he want and he types in the quantity also. Based on this information we will create a shopping cart and this cart will be available for editing.

Edit cart Module

After the product selection the user can edit the quantity of the product. More over user can add or remove products from the selected list. Here we are using the data grid control to display and edit the data in the shopping cart. More than that we are using the important concepts such as session and view state to implement the shopping cart.

Save Module

The module helps the user to save the selected products to the database. During this process each selected products will be send to the remote server from the local client.



This Web application aims to develop a website, Remotely. The Project allows the user to add or delete options as per the user’s Wish from any were to Any were
Building a site is similar to building a home. But imagine how exciting to do it frees of cost and without much effort. It’s all quite simple with this site-building module. Great to know that the user is not expected to have any knowledge about technical details of HTML, Database or any other web-oriented programming skill.
The registered users will be provided with a step-by-step instruction to build their own site. A user guide will also be provided in addition to help them to navigate throughout the site-building module.
At the outset, users will be provided with a set of layouts wherein they can select the type, which they desire.
1. Administrator Module
a. Create Master Database
In this module administrator will create sample databases for different templates eg shopping, mailing etc.. user can add or edit that databases
b. Check Mail
In this module administratior can check mail from user and can send reply to users
c. Reports
In this module administrator can view reports like no of users registered, no of sites created, no of sites downloaded etc.
2. User Module
a. User Registration
User can register into the site by giving their username ,password,email address etc…only registered user can login to the site by giving their username and password.
b. Select and create Tables
In this module user can select a database from master databases as per his/her requirement. User can select required tables and he/she can made suitable changes.
c. Create user sites
After selecting required database user can create their own site by simply selecting layouts. Layouts are sample templates for creating websites.
d. Down Load user Created Site
User can download their website using this module.
e. Send Feedback
User can send feed back to administrator about their requirement and opinion.


Project Synopsis

Name of Project: Tasteechoice
Tools/Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000ServerPlatform with ASP.Net(C#) and MS-SQL

Introduction To Application Area

Meal kit software helps its clients without having to go to the shop to buy the meal he wishes. Clients are also provided with different payment options like door payment/Credit card .A person can pay the amount via credit card or he/ she can pay the amount soon as the item is delivered to him by the salesman but this is restricted to certain places.

Modules Of The Project

Login Process
There are three levels of login administrator, distributors and users. They can login by simply typing username and password.

Registration Process
In registration process users and distributors can create new account .After creating new account they can login their account.

Purchase Process
Purchase process is an administrative level process. Administrator can purchase food from distributors. Price fixing is also done in this module.

Ordering Process
User can order product using this module. After ordering they will get an order id and delivery date

Delivery Process
In this process administrator delivered all the products. He can get money using credit card or at the time of delivery.

In this module Administrator can see record level list , inventory as on date and sales registration details .

This module has options to send and receive messages.

Biometric enabled Smart College


Introduction To application Area

The main objective of the “Biometric enabled Smart College” is to make all the processes in the institution more efficient, speedy and secure by automating the system. The main part of the project deals with attendance processing that uses the biometric finger print scanning system that enables the system to be more secure and efficient. The academic performance of the student is also evaluated by using this software. Almost all processes can be done through online that make the system easily accessible from anywhere. It also aims to easy access to the information through online about the academic performance of the students as well as the information about staff can be evaluated by university authorities through this particular software.
Module Description

1. Registration Module

This module contains registration forms for new students and faculty.It also contain facilities for adding new courses and new subjects, semester subject allocation,viewing of staff attendance and salary calculation.All these activities are performed by the Admin.It receives the information stored in the database for further processing. It accepts the thumb impression also. When the student or faculty is registered by the admin he or she become a valid user of the site so that they will be given a user name and password through their mail for accessing the site . After login the user can be given an option to change the user name and password. The attendance of the staff can also be taken by this machine which is stored in the database.From this particular data stored, the admin is able to calculate monthly attendence of the staff and thus their salary can also be determined

2.Staff Process Module
This module mainly includes the following activities
Edit and view Staff profile
After being registered by the admin the staff members can view and edit their profile with the help of the userid and password provided by the admin.

Attendance System using Biometric finger print scanning system.
This is the main part of the project , in this system we uses a biometric finger print scanning system it has an internal memory that can store fingerprints in binary format and has an internal logic that compares the finger prints and identifies them. We can connect the device to a USB port and can read the finger prints to the data base and can perform the attendance processing using the software.
In attendance processing we have a local database that stores each days attendance after each day the centralized database can be updated using the software. The attendance is taken in each session ie. in the morning session and in the after noon session . In the first hour in the morning session teacher enables the machine and put the finger print and after that each student can enter the attendance at this time the time of entering is noted and it is noted as IN and after the session the students again put the finger print this is noted as OUT after that teacher enters her finger print that validates the attendance in the morning session. The same process is repeated in the afternoon. According to the time in IN and OUT the attendance of the student in each hour is calculated. Each student is identified in the database with their id and fingerprint.

Internal performance Evaluation.
In internal performance evaluation the internal marks of each student in each semester is calculated from the series test marks and the assignment marks that is entered through this software and is stored in the database and it can be viewed through the various reports. For internal marks calculation each semester has 5 subjects and it can be stored in the database (SUBJECT TABLE) with the branch name and each subject is given a code and it is used throughout in the software for manipulation. In each semester there are 2 series test for each subject and 3 assignments. From these marks internals calculated (internals in 50 marks).
For these we need a form to enter the marks of each student in each semester and using these marks entered the software calculates the internal marks and it is stored in the data base and the reports can be viewed later. The marks can only be entered by the teachers and it cannot be modified by others.

The staff is also able to view and edit students internal marks.
3.Student Module
Edit and view Student profile
After being registered by the admin the staff members can view and edit their profile with the help of the userid and password provided by the admin.

View internal mark
The students can view their internal marks

Pentium111 : 550MHz
RAM : 64MB
Hard Disk : 10.2 GB
Cache : 512L2 Cache
External device : Finger print scanner

RFID Authentication System for MNC’S

RFID Authentication System for MNC’S

RFID Authentication system is specialized in specific automation requirements of an office and in the application of automation techniques for the comfort and security of the staffs. Each staff is identified and authorized using their RFID identification. There will be RFID Authentication Module at the entrance and exit of each and every room of the office. If an employee want to enter a room, it is necessary that they should be authenticated using the RFID Authentication system... The access to the room will be given only if the staff has the permissions provided by the Administrator. If correct access occurs, the code of the employee entering the room will be stored into the database of the main server. When an employee enters a room the RFID code of the employee will be stored to a server machine which accesses this data and stores the employee code in a corresponding table for that particular room. If any employee is to be located, then by giving the employee code, the room in which the employee is, can be known. There is no need of a particular staff or register to monitor the employee in and out. With this project we can keep track of the employee who are present in the office without any manual help, ie each employee’s, get in time and out time from a room or from any section can be known. In big companies there will be number of conference rooms and we can do the reservation of the conference room for a particular department on a particular day as per their request.

The Main modules include
1) Admin
It is the module where the whole operations belongs to an employee be done, ie, the employee registrations, updations, deletions, and the room allotment is being performed.

2)Access Control
There will be RFID Authentication Module at the entrance and exit of each and every room of the office. If an employee want to enter a room, it is necessary that they should be authenticated using the RFID Authentication system... The access to the room will be given only if the staff has the permissions provided by the Administrator. If correct access occurs, the code of the employee entering the room will be stored into the database of the main server

3) Employee Tracking
This part is done using a software tool. When an employee enters a room the RFID code of the employee will be stored to a server machine which accesses this data and stores the employee code in a corresponding table for that particular room. If any employee is to be located, then by giving the employee code, the room in which the employee is, can be known.

4) Board Room Call
In big companies there will be number of conference rooms and we can do the reservation of the conference room for a particular department on a particular day as per their request.
1) Add Room Module
This module helps to add new conference rooms which are being built, this can be done by the administrator of the organization. All other modules depend on this module for their operation. We can add conference room so that the user can select the accurate room for their meeting.

2) Book Room module
This module helps to reserve the conference room for a selected day by the department heads. That is it helps to reserve a specific room on a specified day. When reserving the room we are providing the options for the availability of seats, the other facilities like all tables having microphones or the room having video projector etc., and the payment will be done on the spot.

3) Rescheduling Rooms
This module helps to rescheduling the reserved conference room. In rescheduling the number of seats, type of seats and the extra facilities can be rescheduled. If the requirements are satisfied then the scheduling of conference room will be done according to the request.

4) Feedback Module
This module helps to rate the conference room. This itself can be divided into subdivisions. We can rate a room as a whole or rate the interior architecture of the room and the location of the conference room, etc.
● Fast and User friendly.
● Cost effective solutions as it can be implemented module wise.
● Each Module can be effectively managed with existing system in use.
● Less training needed when compared to other software.
● Need not to change the system after years of use, as it easily upgraded if required.
● Highly flexible as administrator can change it to accommodate different user requirements.
● Implements the user level security at various levels.
● Time attendance made possible.
● Provides effective handling of property of the office.

● Eliminates the erroneous manual handling of office related processes.
● Implements latest of technologies such as Smartcard, Contact less Cards (RFID) or Bio-metric according to the requirement.
● Enhances the communication between different departments.
● Eliminates lot of over heads incurred by management to handle the resources.


Hardware requirements
In order to implement a new system the choice of a processor with maximum possible speed is made. There should be sufficient memory to store data and software tools for efficient processing.
System : IBM-Compatible PC
Processor : Pentium IV
Speed : 2.0 GHz
Memory :512 MB RAM
Hard Disk Drive : 40 GB
Additional Hardware : RFID module

Software Requirements :
Operating System :Linux/windows xp
Tools : ASP.net,C#
Back End : SQL 2005



The project aims at facilitating the website programmer a framework where he can create web pages dynamically. Our framework takes input from an xml in which the user requirements is specified in user tags. We will pass this xml file and based on the info we will create the pages needed. The project will be implemented as follows. Initially we create a website. A user who needs to use our facility needs to register with our site. Once that is done he can login and upload an xml file or use the settings page to his requirements, and once he submits it, a folder is created and provided to him. He can download the folder and can use the files for his application.
1. Administrator Module

• Create HTML file
This module takes input from an xml in which the user requirements is specified in user tags. We will pass this xml file and based on the info we will create the pages needed.
• Convert XML to Sql Database

This module convert XML file to Sql Database
Create .cs file
In this Module administration will add necessary c# coding. Like insert, delete, update and search operations

2. User Module

• User Creation

The module helps in registration of the prospective customers with the system. The customer has to register with site to get a login

• Upload XML File

In this module user can upload XML file

• Down Load HTML File

In this module user can download HTML files

PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

Project Synopsis

Project Title: PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using C#). The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.

Introduction to application Area

PGP means "Pretty Good Privacy" and is an application used to crypt messages. This is the most famous application for crypting personal data such as letters, emails, a file or anything else you can find on a computer; because it is very powerful and has been developed on almost all existing computers (PC, Macintosh, Amiga, etc). In fact, it is the first application that has been developed for public as a pose to military use. It is maybe why PGP is becoming a standard application on computers.
When you have English text and you want to translate it into French, you use language translation. In this case, any French person could read your new text and understand it. However, if you have the same English text but you do not want anybody else, except yourself, to be able to understand it, you use cryptography.
Cryptography has been used for a very long time; the roman emperor Cesar is the first famous person who used it for his military campaigns. These last few years the army has mainly used it but since the computer has become a common tool, cryptography is used and needed by everyone.
Each country has different laws about the use of cryptography for various reasons, because in some country the use of strong cryptography is illegal, it is a sensitive subject that makes it really interesting and in a way, dangerous. Because fact that more and more companies wants to sell products on the Internet, the cryptography status is changing to allow the customers to secure their transactions.

Many different cryptography algorithms have been done, but there are two main algorithms used in cryptography. Here is a general overview of these two cryptography standards.
1. Private key algorithm
A private key algorithm uses one password (or one private key) to crypt a message, to decrypt it the same password is used, the same algorithm or a different one can be used to crypt and decrypt.
2. Public key algorithm
A public key algorithm consists of a public key (B) used to crypt a message and a private key (A) used to decrypt the message, for one public key there is one private key (A1, B1) and only the private key that belongs to the public key can decrypt a message crypted by the public key.
This algorithm can also be used to sign a message to prove that it is really you who is sending a message, to do so you crypt the message with your private key that can be decrypted only with the public key. This is a bit difficult to understand, but just means that if you crypt a message with one of the keys (public or private) you can decrypt it only with the other key; if someone wants to imitate your signature he will fail because he will crypt his message with your public key, but as this message can only be decrypted with the private key, nobody will be able to decrypt it. This feature is really useful in business or for the army.

Personalized News Portal

Personalized News Portal

The project entitled personalized News Portal aims at establishing a comprehensive portal for providing news. This portal is an organized conduit and online, for providing up-to-date news information on the Internet. The portal will consist of sections addressing different information needs. It informs, provides extensive resources, and services online for the general public. It provides a vast range of new opportunities for feedback, customization of content, instant publishing,(hyper)linking, articles etc. This project use Web Parts framework, allowing programmers to easily integrate drag ’n drop menus etc. in their web portals. This framework is easy to use and all client based design settings are stored by ASP.NET data providers in an easy way. The developer has nothing to do with the save or load process of Web Parts design based settings
It Mainly Consist of two modules Administrator and user module.

Administrator module

1. Creating Category and subcategory
In this module we can add new category and sub category of news. For example if politics is the category then Indian politics, politics in Kerala etc are subcategories.
2. Reports
In this module administrator can view no of users, more visited links, more interested topics etc.
User Module

1. User Registration
In this module new user can register by giving his/her username, password, email address etc. using this username and password user can enter into the site.
2. Personalizing his/her page
In this module user can personalize his/her page by arranging his favorite link. Each user can arrange his site by drag and drop links and he can give his favorite color. An Xml file is used to save this arrangement.
3. News Reading
This module provides up-to-date news information on the Internet. The portal will consist of sections addressing different information needs. It informs, provides extensive resources and services online for the general public. This module use RSS method reduce the time and effort needed to regularly check websites for updates, creating a unique information space or "personal newspaper." Once subscribed to a feed, an aggregator is able to check for new content at user-determined intervals and retrieve the.
4. Feedback
In this module user can send feedback about the news and he can sent his own articles using file uploading technology.
5. Mailing
In this module user can send e-mail with CDOSYS. CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) is a Microsoft technology that is designed to simplify the creation of messaging applications.CDOSYS is a built-in component in ASP. We will show you how to use this component to send e-mail with ASP.

Personalized Art Gallery

Project Title: Personalized Art Gallery

Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using C#). The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.
Introduction to application Area

Online Art Gallery is an Online application, which is used to display and sell art works of artist irrespective of their nationality, gender and other narrow consideration, through auction. Artist can register online for being a member in the art gallery and each artist can upload the digital copy of their art work under the respective categories. They can host their art work either for auction or for fixed price. The artist is liable to pay a fraction of the price of each art work to the web site to find the running fund for site.
Customer can also register online and they can browse art works that are arranged in different categories scientifically. Each Customer can create their own gallery to see his favorite art works with out much difficult. And each user has the right to purchase an art work using the integrated payment gateway and participate in auction by submitting their bids. Qualified bidder should remit the amount using payment gateway and after each valid payment the art work will be shipped within 15 days
Modules of the project
This project mainly contain three modules
1. Administrator Module
• Confirm Artist Registration
• Accept commission from artist

• Report generation
2. Artist Module
• Registration Module
• Upload art work
• Sell art work
• Give commission to website
3. Customer Module
• Registration Module
• Purchase Art wok
• Personalize his/her art gallery

Biometric secured MEDI-File and data mining technoledgy

Project Synopsis

Project Title:Biometric secured MEDI-File and data mining technoledgy
Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using C#). The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.

Introduction to application Area

. A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems. Blogs are alternatively called web logs or weblogs. A variety of different systems are used to create and maintain blogs. Dedicated web applications can eliminate the need for bloggers to manage this software. With web interfaces, these systems allow travelers to blog from anywhere on the Internet, and allow users to create blogs without having to maintain their own server. Such systems allow users to maintain their Web-hosted blog without the need to be online while composing or editing posts. Here we are creating a web application based blogging. It is medical blogging. With Medical blogging patients can log into the site and note their symptoms or sickness. Registered doctors can access this query and blog to the situation. They can prescribe medicine or they can express their experience or knowledge regarding the corresponding disease. The technology also includes a virtual Server implementation and Online Server Validations. This is implemented as a part of the project.

In this project it mainly incluclude the biometric enabled medi_file trans action and data mining technology .this session contain the transaction of internal organs .and also include the searching of blood donors of various group.

Modules of the Project

Doctor module

This module allows the doctor to register into the site, anywhere from the world. Registered doctors will hold a secure login id and password. After login he / she can view different queries posted by different patients from all over the world. Doctors can respond to these queries by prescribing the corresponding medicines, or by explaining their experience and knowledge about the query posted by the patients. More over we have an automated mailing system for doctors to contact patients directly.

Patient module

Each user has to register to the site to access the different functionalities of the application. After registration each user will be able to send queries regarding the sickness or the symptoms they have. They will be considered as patients and will get reply with out much delay. They also will be able to get some personal advice from doctors by sending emails to doctors.

Blog Module

This module of the project acts as a bridge between the doctor module and the patient module. The main Component of the application is the blog module. When a patient posts a query each doctor will be able to see the query and every doctor are able to send reply to the query. Doctors send the reply spontaneously to the server from all over the world. In the server we capture all the posted messages from the doctors. After receiving the different posts we have to categorize the replies and display to the user / patients in a particular required order. Moreover if a doctor has a doubt during his practice, he can post his doubts and queries to the application and wait for the replies from the other experts.

Attachment Module

This module allows the user, patient or doctor to attach important documents or images like blood reports, lab reports, digital x-ray or scan images which adds meaning to the posted messages in the blog

Pharmaceutical Forum module

This module is restricted to doctors for Blogging, and viewing only for patience logged in. This module is meant as a discussion ground for the different Chemical compositions of the available drugs from different companies and its effects and after effects on the human body

Administration Module

The Administration is secured so that a single administrator is able to login and manage all the process in the website. From there the administrator can delete posts that are no longer required. This module takes care of all the data management of the application such as master data creation and maintenance etc.

Blood donating module

In this module the users can register in blood bank an the data will be updated the data after they will donating the blood and it sort the donors as in the order of that data.

Secured Online Professional Sales Analysis

Project Synopsis

Project Title: Secured Online Professional Sales Analysis

Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with Vb.Net. The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.

Introduction to application Area

Market Basket Analysis is an algorithm that examines a long list of transactions in order to determine which items are most frequently purchased together. It takes its name from the idea of a person in a supermarket throwing all of their items into a shopping cart (a "market basket"). The results can be useful to any company that sells products, whether it's in a store, a catalog, or directly to the customer.
Market Basket Analysis is used to determine which products sell together. As such, the input to a Market Basket Analysis is normally a list of sales transactions, where each column represents a product and each row represents either a sale or a customer, depending on whether the goal of the analysis is to find which items sell together at the same time, or to the same person. The cells of the data normally contain only 1 (bought product) or 0 (did not buy product) values, though PolyAnalyst can work with other data in the cells, such as quantity or revenue.
Due to how Market Basket Analysis works, it is preferable to have all products represented equally in the data. That is, a product that is only sold 1 or 2 times in the entire data file should not be included, as the algorithm will find rules involving these products that are not statistically significant. In general, no product should be represented in the data more than 10 times as often as any other product. Representation of products can be equalized by categorizing them – combine similar, low-sales items together while splitting high-sales items into subtypes.

Administrator Module

1. Category Module
In this module administrator can add category and its subcategory. It contain category id, category name, subcategory name etc.
2. Product Module
In this module administrator can add new products, and can fix its retail price.
3. Confirm order process
In this module administrator can confirm order process.
4. Market Basket Analysis
Through intensive analysis of the transactions and the goods bought over a period of time, i.e. data mining, analysts found that beers and diapers were often bought together. Though explaining this interrelation might be difficult, taking advantage of it, on the other hand, should not be hard (e.g. placing the high-profit diapers next to the high-profit beers). This technique is often referred to as "Market Basket Analysis". Market Basket Analysis is an algorithm that examines a long list of transactions in order to determine which items are most frequently purchased together. It takes its name from the idea of a person in a supermarket throwing all of their items into a shopping cart (a "market basket"). The results can be useful to any company that sells products, whether it's in a store, a catalog, or directly to the customer.

User Module
1. Registration Module
New user can register to this site. After registering they can login to the site.
2. View Module
Users can view product details from this module. Product details include its price, quality etc.
3. Order products
In this module user can select and can order products. Order is sanctioned by administrator



Introduction to application Area

Modules of the Project

Administrator Module

1.Create Quotation

In this module administrator can create quotation for his customers. He can create quotation by looking the plan send by customer. Quotation details contain rate for each and every work.

2.Sending Quotation

After preparing quotation he can send it to the customer.

3.Daily Wages of Workers

In this Module Administrator can enter daily wages works and his advance.

4.Weekly Wages of Workers

Administrator can calculate weekly wages of workers.
He can calculate weekly wages by adding daily wages.
Wages is given to the workers at the end of the week.

5.Cost Estimation

In this Module we can calculate total estimate and can find balance amount.

User Module

1.User Registration

In this module we can create new user by typing his personal details. After registering he got a username and password.
2. Sending Request For Quotation
User can send request for quotation.
View daily estimate
User can view daily estimate of each workers. User can approve this daily estimate.

3.View estimate

In this Module user can view his entire estimate. It contains
Daily wages of each workers, their advance, etc.

Mobile Airline Check Fare System

Project Synopsis

Project Title: Mobile Airline Check Fare System
Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with ASP .Net (Scripting to be done using VB.Net) And MS-SQL Server 2000 The Web Server will be IIS.

Introduction To application Area

The project deals with two areas of web based Air Ticket booking and Travel Agent data maintenance. With this site a user can register into this site. A registered user can place a ticket request and this request will be send to registered travel agents. And agents will quote the ticket rate and user can choose the flight. If he wants to cancel the journey he can also do that. Lessfairthrumobile.com is a site which helps the flight travelers. Its mission is to offer a quick and easy way to get better deals on airline tickets for travelers. Through partnerships with leading travel companies, it can negotiate special prices that can't be found anywhere else. How does it work? Its partners allow to access their unsold inventory i.e., empty seats on flights; all at big savings. The site passes these savings on to those travelers who can be flexible about their plans.

Modules of the Project

Member Registration Module

The module helps in registration of the prospective customers with the system. The customer has to register with site to get a login. During registration a userid and password will be allocated to user. Once the login is available they can request for the lowest air fares from the travel agents registered with the site. And the validity of the user is ensured by the session object.

Travel Agent Registration Module

The module helps in registration of the travel agents dealing with various air companies. During registration a userid and password will be allocated to user. Once registered the travel agent can login to the system and receive all the requests from the customers of the site asking for the lowest air ticket offers.

Ticket request module

The module helps in entering the details of the ticket request into the system. Only registered users can use this option of the site. Once the customers enter the details of ticket required, these details will be sent to all the travel agents registered with site.

Rate Quoting Module

The module helps in viewing all the ticket requests by the users. And registered agents can send the corresponding rate to the user.

Quotation Comparison Module

The module helps the registered customers of the site for viewing the rates quoted by different travel agents and selecting the best rate quoted.

Ticket Confirmation Module

The module helps in sending the ticket confirmation message to the travel agent who has quoted the lowest air fare and asking him to dispatch the ticket.

Automatic Mailer Module

The module helps in sending automatic emails to members of the site on a regular basis for the latest offers posted by different companies etc.

Administration Module

The module helps in administration of the site and generation of administrative level reports like number of customer, travel agent registration per day and number of air tickets confirmed on different time intervals. Only administrator can create the airports, new airlines, and set the flight timings.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Interactive Smart Server System for PDA & GSM Mobile Systems-KSRTC

Interactive Smart Server System for PDA & GSM Mobile Systems-KSRTC

Application developed for KSRTC
Technology: Asp.net(C# or vb) scripting, Backend Sql server
Device Used: GSM Modem


A service which provides information about the ksrtc bus timings.The proposed system is a mobile and web based application which provides information regarding the bus timings as per request of the user.The user sends a messsage to a given number and details about the available buses will be sent back to him in a time sorted fashion , also we can register directly to the site and search these details .

Existing system

The current system to know the bus timings can be of three types:
1)The passengers must enquire directly
2)The passengers must make use of the telephone facility
3)The passengers must wait for their required bus

Proposed System

The passengers can send a message to the particular number
specifying their source place and destination place.They will be
provided with the details of the next available services
immediately so that they can plan their journey accordingly.

1: Admin Module:

After Login Admin can add new Buses‘s details that contain root time and total no of seats in bus.
2: Client Module:

clients can view the details of the buses that clients need
3: Reservation Module:

Reservation of seats in advance;
4:GSM Modules:

clients can send sms at particular format from a mobile to a number The server will receive the sms by using GSM modem .After receiving message from client then server will Reply the with details.

For the development of this system modular approach is used. Modularization is the process of partitioning the system into modular units of limited size to simplify maintenance when necessary. Each and every module is selected according to the function. Modularization makes system development simpler. It is an attempt to minimize the complexity of the problem. Modular design increases the flexibility of the system. The system is partitioned into different segments. The Program code is also divided into different subroutines according to the options.
Advantages of the design are:
Easy to write, test and debug a module.
If a change is to be made, it is done in the particular module and the entire program is not affected.
Procedural characteristics define the order that determines processing.
The Project has two modules: administrator and user.
The modules in the system are:
1. Inserts new data into the database.
2. Updates existing data.
3. Views data.

1. Sends message to a given number requesting details about the needed bus services by
indicating the source (current location), destination and time.
2. Sends message to the given number requesting code details.
3. Requested details (bus timings/codes) sent to the user.