Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Secured Online Professional Sales Analysis

Project Synopsis

Project Title: Secured Online Professional Sales Analysis

Tools / Platform: The project will be in Windows-2000 platform with Vb.Net. The Web Server will be IIS. SQL server 2000 will be used as the back end device.

Introduction to application Area

Market Basket Analysis is an algorithm that examines a long list of transactions in order to determine which items are most frequently purchased together. It takes its name from the idea of a person in a supermarket throwing all of their items into a shopping cart (a "market basket"). The results can be useful to any company that sells products, whether it's in a store, a catalog, or directly to the customer.
Market Basket Analysis is used to determine which products sell together. As such, the input to a Market Basket Analysis is normally a list of sales transactions, where each column represents a product and each row represents either a sale or a customer, depending on whether the goal of the analysis is to find which items sell together at the same time, or to the same person. The cells of the data normally contain only 1 (bought product) or 0 (did not buy product) values, though PolyAnalyst can work with other data in the cells, such as quantity or revenue.
Due to how Market Basket Analysis works, it is preferable to have all products represented equally in the data. That is, a product that is only sold 1 or 2 times in the entire data file should not be included, as the algorithm will find rules involving these products that are not statistically significant. In general, no product should be represented in the data more than 10 times as often as any other product. Representation of products can be equalized by categorizing them – combine similar, low-sales items together while splitting high-sales items into subtypes.

Administrator Module

1. Category Module
In this module administrator can add category and its subcategory. It contain category id, category name, subcategory name etc.
2. Product Module
In this module administrator can add new products, and can fix its retail price.
3. Confirm order process
In this module administrator can confirm order process.
4. Market Basket Analysis
Through intensive analysis of the transactions and the goods bought over a period of time, i.e. data mining, analysts found that beers and diapers were often bought together. Though explaining this interrelation might be difficult, taking advantage of it, on the other hand, should not be hard (e.g. placing the high-profit diapers next to the high-profit beers). This technique is often referred to as "Market Basket Analysis". Market Basket Analysis is an algorithm that examines a long list of transactions in order to determine which items are most frequently purchased together. It takes its name from the idea of a person in a supermarket throwing all of their items into a shopping cart (a "market basket"). The results can be useful to any company that sells products, whether it's in a store, a catalog, or directly to the customer.

User Module
1. Registration Module
New user can register to this site. After registering they can login to the site.
2. View Module
Users can view product details from this module. Product details include its price, quality etc.
3. Order products
In this module user can select and can order products. Order is sanctioned by administrator

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