Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Universal Smart Card

Project Title: Universal Smart Card

Introduction to application Area

. “Universal smart cards” is a web based network marketing cum secured shopping application. We can split the application into two areas .The first, network marketing and second smart shopping. The concept behind this project is uniquely different. This is neither a shopping site nor a marketing site.
The first area of the application is related to creating network of users. The network of users will grow in a specific manner. And the later is centered on the shopping. In network creation process each user will be allotted a highly secured smart card. When the user goes for purchasing to a shop which is registered to our site (and is having a smart card reader; which is provided by the company) after billing he can swap his card in the machine and a certain percent of billed amount will be debited to the card. And thus he will get a huge amount without any effort, with in small period. And he will also get commission while his child members conduct purchase from smart shops.
At times he can purchase using the smart card itself. And the cardholder can not with draw the amount in the card as money. He can only purchase using card. This increases the sales cycle also. Ultimately this concept tries to improve the shopping and thus to improve the sales performance of the smart shops.

Modules of the Project

Administrative module

This module takes care of all the data management of the application. Master data creation and maintenance will be done by an administrator. Master data creation include creation of states, creation of districts, creation of regions, creation of cardholders, set and edit commission etc. The administrator also have the permission to take database back up and download the database backup to his/her local hard disk. Administrator also has the right to upload the details of smart shops. The Administration is secured. This module takes care of all the data management of the application.

Smart Shops Validation Module

This module deals with the addition and Inclusions of new types and
category of shops, along with the required security settings and valid settings of the establishments.

Region Module

With this module you can add new regions. A region means Franchise. After the region creation, each region is able to join members. Each member will get a smart card. The details about the user and card details will stored to master database only after the approval of the administrator. Franchise can view the Active members and they can access the commission details of their child members.

User module

A user can join and he will get the smart card at a cost of 250 Rs. And he has to join his child members to the network. And he will get certain commission amount of commission from his child members. And that amount will be added to the smart card.

Smart module
This is the most important module of the project. We are implementing a DTS (Data Transformation Service) Package of an RDBMS. This module allows us to shop using the smart card which is issued by the company. The technical division of the card manufacturing company will give notepad data of the card’s output. We convert this notepad output to SQL server database. In database the administrator can search and find the total commission scored by the user, total amount which is consumed by the user through purchase.
Report module

This module contains the process of reporting. Administrator can create various reports like number of card holders per month, per week, per day and details of card holder’s district wise, region wide etc. Administrator will be able to create report of commission of members, commission of franchise etc. Franchise can create reports based on member status, i.e. applied / approved etc. The users will get a report of their child card holders and the details of smart shops etc.

Cart Creation Module

The module is the heart of the application. In this module we are creating a shopping cart based on the selection of the user. User selects the products as he want and he types in the quantity also. Based on this information we will create a shopping cart and this cart will be available for editing.

Edit cart Module

After the product selection the user can edit the quantity of the product. More over user can add or remove products from the selected list. Here we are using the data grid control to display and edit the data in the shopping cart. More than that we are using the important concepts such as session and view state to implement the shopping cart.

Save Module

The module helps the user to save the selected products to the database. During this process each selected products will be send to the remote server from the local client.

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