Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Biometric enabled Smart College


Introduction To application Area

The main objective of the “Biometric enabled Smart College” is to make all the processes in the institution more efficient, speedy and secure by automating the system. The main part of the project deals with attendance processing that uses the biometric finger print scanning system that enables the system to be more secure and efficient. The academic performance of the student is also evaluated by using this software. Almost all processes can be done through online that make the system easily accessible from anywhere. It also aims to easy access to the information through online about the academic performance of the students as well as the information about staff can be evaluated by university authorities through this particular software.
Module Description

1. Registration Module

This module contains registration forms for new students and faculty.It also contain facilities for adding new courses and new subjects, semester subject allocation,viewing of staff attendance and salary calculation.All these activities are performed by the Admin.It receives the information stored in the database for further processing. It accepts the thumb impression also. When the student or faculty is registered by the admin he or she become a valid user of the site so that they will be given a user name and password through their mail for accessing the site . After login the user can be given an option to change the user name and password. The attendance of the staff can also be taken by this machine which is stored in the database.From this particular data stored, the admin is able to calculate monthly attendence of the staff and thus their salary can also be determined

2.Staff Process Module
This module mainly includes the following activities
Edit and view Staff profile
After being registered by the admin the staff members can view and edit their profile with the help of the userid and password provided by the admin.

Attendance System using Biometric finger print scanning system.
This is the main part of the project , in this system we uses a biometric finger print scanning system it has an internal memory that can store fingerprints in binary format and has an internal logic that compares the finger prints and identifies them. We can connect the device to a USB port and can read the finger prints to the data base and can perform the attendance processing using the software.
In attendance processing we have a local database that stores each days attendance after each day the centralized database can be updated using the software. The attendance is taken in each session ie. in the morning session and in the after noon session . In the first hour in the morning session teacher enables the machine and put the finger print and after that each student can enter the attendance at this time the time of entering is noted and it is noted as IN and after the session the students again put the finger print this is noted as OUT after that teacher enters her finger print that validates the attendance in the morning session. The same process is repeated in the afternoon. According to the time in IN and OUT the attendance of the student in each hour is calculated. Each student is identified in the database with their id and fingerprint.

Internal performance Evaluation.
In internal performance evaluation the internal marks of each student in each semester is calculated from the series test marks and the assignment marks that is entered through this software and is stored in the database and it can be viewed through the various reports. For internal marks calculation each semester has 5 subjects and it can be stored in the database (SUBJECT TABLE) with the branch name and each subject is given a code and it is used throughout in the software for manipulation. In each semester there are 2 series test for each subject and 3 assignments. From these marks internals calculated (internals in 50 marks).
For these we need a form to enter the marks of each student in each semester and using these marks entered the software calculates the internal marks and it is stored in the data base and the reports can be viewed later. The marks can only be entered by the teachers and it cannot be modified by others.

The staff is also able to view and edit students internal marks.
3.Student Module
Edit and view Student profile
After being registered by the admin the staff members can view and edit their profile with the help of the userid and password provided by the admin.

View internal mark
The students can view their internal marks

Pentium111 : 550MHz
RAM : 64MB
Hard Disk : 10.2 GB
Cache : 512L2 Cache
External device : Finger print scanner

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