Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The Project Entitled “WebSchool”, is a total general purpose online product that will manage the entire information of a school. This project is a proposal to completely automate the work in a school. This project is mainly indented for providing an efficient means of administration starting from the front Office to the point where the result of the student is published and delivered. The working of the software start with the registration of the student and teacher and maintains the entire activities like the attendance, assignments, examination details etc. This software will work as a tool at office, can be used by a teacher and can even do good to the guardians. This software is to be developed using C#.NET and ASP.NET with Sql server as the Database.

The objective of this project is to develop a system to computerize the office activities of the school, which is now maintained manually. It also includes the computerization of activities handled by the teacher like the student attendance, general administration and the generation of student progress sheets.

Computerization of the above said areas would reduce the disadvantages of the existing system such as low speed, excessive paper work and huge expense. The new system is very user friendly and flexible which can meet the requirements in time.
System Objectives
The project entitled “WebSchool” is targeted to simplify the aspects concerned with general school administration. This application focuses on initial servicing to be made by the school right from the student entry into the school to the date he moves out. The major objectives of the system can be listed as the following: -

It gives the Administrator complete control over the system. This gives him permission to enter new student and teachers and modify their data whenever necessary.
Each student is provided a separate account where he/she can view his attendance marks and other personal details.
Each teacher is also provided a separate account where he/she is provided with the privilege to access the details of all the students and enter marks and attendance details accordingly
The parent login gives the parent access to view the details of their children like their marks and attendance.
An additional field called the notice board is also being implemented which can send notices to all the different layers from the administrator and the teachers.
.Other objectives are:-

To Make student identification easy
To identify the current student details.
To maintain the teacher information.
To keep track of the student appraisal.
To identify the status of the student at a given period.
To initiate better office
To make a paper less office

The project is mainly divided into Five Modules
(i) Administration Module
(ii) Teacher Module
(iii) Student Module
(iv) Parent Module
(v) Appraisal Report Module

The Administration Module.

Administration module is the core module in this software. This module provide administrator to add information regarding students, teacher details. It also provides authentication facilities to the above resources. The functions of Administration Module include publishing notices to the various departments. It also includes scheduling of class timetables and exam timetables. This module provides the facility to send and receive mails to and from Parents, Teachers, and Students.

The Teacher Module

Teacher module in this software deals with various internal activities in the school. This module is responsible for recording the attendance of students, Scheduling class tests, assigning Home Works to the students belonging to various classes. Keeping the individual marks of students in various exams is another activity happening in this module. It also provides facility for viewing the notices, send and receive mails from various levels of the organization.

The Student Module

In Student module, the students can view their attendance, assignments, homework etc.
This module provides the facility for viewing the attendance of individual students on a particular day or a given period of time. This module is concerned with viewing the details of class timetables, exam timetables, marks for various exams, and appraisal reports. Mails and notice facilities are also included in this module.

The Parent Module
The Parent module includes the facility for viewing the attendance of their children. They can also access the exam results and progress reports of their children. The Parents can communicate with the various levels of the organization through mails. Viewing notices from various level is the another facility included in this module.
The Appraisal Report

One of the importance of this application is to decrease the discrepancy in the generation of the Student Appraisal reports. This module concentrates on student to exam wise marks entry and the generation of the progress report. This is implemented by collecting information from the administration module and the student module.

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