Automated Stored Procedure Interface
The project titled easy stored procedures contains two main areas. First we can generate the TSQL code for an INSERT or UPDATE Microsoft SQL Stored Procedures. This application uses some basic SQLDMO (SQL Database Management Object) methods to achieve the complete result. Writing stored procedures is an inevitable part of programming. It’s not much complicated but a little bit boring in case of a table contains more than 50 fields. So here we are trying to ease the effort of a programmer to write stored procedure manually. With this application a programmer will be able to generate stored procedure for insertion and updating of different tables in different databases. Second we can execute or we can generate the stored procedure invocation code by using this application.
Modules of the Project
1) Server Listing Module
The module helps in listing of available servers in the machine. We can add or type in the name of the sql server we want to use instead of selecting a server from the available list. After selecting the server we want to use we can key in the username and password which we have the right to use. After this process the application will authenticate the user.
2) Database Listing Module
After the authentication process the application will try to connect to the database, and list the entire available database to the user. Here user will be able traverse through every database and its tables.
3) Generator Module
The module is the heart of the application. With this module we can generate the stored procedure for inserting or updating a table without spending lot of time to create to correct the errors. If we create stored procedure manually there may come errors due to data type mismatch or variable mismatch. But this application eliminates the chance of a minute error. The application uses a tree view structure to list out databases and tables. With the application we can create the stored procedure to create or update a table with a button click.
4) Invocation Module
The module helps in executing the stored procedures or helps us to generate the code for execute or invoke a stored procedure. Like creation of stored procedure the execution of stored procedure from a front end tool is also a little bit complicated. But this application eases the complexity of this task. The module generates the invocation methods of stored procedure.
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