Monday, September 20, 2010



To develop software that evaluates the performance of Software Trainee in an MNC like US Technologies.

Front end: 2005 Back end: SQL Server 2005
Platform: Microsoft Windows XP
The web server will be I I S (Internet Information server)


Evaluator is software that serves two purposes.
i) Performance evaluation of Software Trainee
ii) Attendance tabulation
iii) Soft Skills Ability

The Log on & Log off time of each trainee will be monitored as per the SESSION login procedure. The Performance of each Software Development trainee is based on the :
1. The Number of Hours Spent on the PC for Learning Purpose
2. The Number of Hours Spent for Useful Browsing of Internet and Other Activities
3. The Total Training sessions attended and Marks Obtained for Internal Assessment and Test for these training
4. The Total time allotted for completing a sample Project and the actual time consumed by the trainee
5. Weekly & Monthly Attendance Monitoring Patterns
6. The Ability of the Trainee to Adapt to Soft skills & Business Ethics as per standards Prescribed by the Company

Team Leader of a tem can enter the weekly attendance of a team into this software. The software calculates the number of absent Trainee and their pending leave forms. It makes the job of the class advisor easy as entire attendance tabulation is done here.
Trainee can view their internal and external marks using this software. They also get information about their pending leave forms and attendance shortage through this software. Administrator administers the entire system.

Summary of current state of art
In most colleges, currently excel sheet is used to enter marks and calculate the total marks. Internal mark calculation for each student based on the series test, model exams, assignments and attendance will be done manually by the faculty. This total internal mark is then entered by the faculty into the excel sheet. Any moderation if has to be done, faculty has to calculate it manually and then award marks to Trainee accordingly. Comparison between Trainee has to be done manually by the faculty by checking the marks of each and every student. Only a copy of this mark sheet will be published in the college. So for Trainee to know their marks only source is this single copy.
This current system has a lot of drawbacks. First of all student evaluation by faculty is not easy. To evaluate the Trainee in a class faculty has to manually go through the mark sheet and find out the top scorers and weak Trainee. Firstly security of this system is less because even a non-teaching faculty can access the mark sheet and make changes. Secondly since moderation marks are calculated manually there is a chance of errors. Thirdly in this system it is not able to retrieve the entire academic record of a student starting from his first semester in college.

The current system does not use a database. Mark sheets are stored in files. Redundancy is a problem with the data storage in files. Same data will be coexisting in many files. Redundant data always suffers the problem of inconsistency. It is not easy to keep the redundant data in files consistent. Moreover enforcing security on files is also difficult. Data retrieval is a problem as it is not possible to retrieve the entire academic details of a student from different files. Concurrent access of the files by faculties of a class is not possible. File storage is another problem, as it needs a lot of space. Hence for backup always paper copies are a better option.

This system is meant only for faculties. Trainee do not have entry to this system. Hence they will be illiterate of the marking schemes. They just finally see an aggregate of their marks. And if they have any complaint it is always difficult to contact the faculty. Once the faculty is out of station this will result in mark loss. Moreover any queries in mark distribution cannot be clarified with the faculty.
Currently attendance tabulation is done manually. Hence it is difficult to find the Trainee with attendance shortage at the end of the semester. As these Trainee are noticed only at the end no warnings or notices cannot be given to them. Trainee just loose their marks for attendance. Another major problem is it is difficult for the class advisor to find the Trainee who haven’t submitted their leave forms. Class advisor has to manually go through each days attendance sheet and find the Trainee that have taken leave. It is a tedious job. Moreover as it is done manually chance of errors is high. It is difficult to prepare in between attendance reports in a semester.


Evaluator software does complete evaluation of student’s academic performance and attendance tabulation. This software is meant
for two groups of users.
i. Faculties
ii. Trainee

This software has three levels –student, faculty and administrator. Faculties can log in to this software using their id and password. Faculty using this software enters the marks awarded to each student during the series test (out of 50)and model exam(out of 100) in their subject. At the end of semester faculty also enters internal marks to Trainee for their attendance and assignments. Using all these data and based on the formula specified by the faculty internal marks is awarded to each student. As soon as the marks are awarded the faculty can mail a copy of the marks to the Trainee.

Faculty can compare their student’s performance by viewing different types of reports. After each series test they can easily evaluate their Trainee using these reports. They can easily find the top scorers and the weak Trainee. After the series test report card for the Trainee can be formulated, which can be send to them. Faculty can mail any announcements to the Trainee using this software. They can also easily get the complete academic details of Trainee starting from their first semester in college. As soon as external marks are available from university faculty can enter the external marks also to the database. Thus it gives the complete academic details of the student for a semester. Using the external and internal marks, mark deviation of Trainee and class can be found out.

Class advisor of each class enters the weekly attendance of each student into this software. Based on this data software automatically generates the list of absent Trainee in that week. It will be send mails to Trainee requesting to submit leave forms. Class advisor also gets a report of absent Trainee and their pending leave forms. Trainee with attendance shortages will be notified to class advisor. Class advisor can also get the attendance report till that week of the semester.

This software has a student login. Trainee can use this software to know their sectional marks. As soon as faculty enters marks, its reports are visible to the Trainee. They can view their report cards. They can also see the mark list of entire class
and evaluate their performance themselves. They can compare their marks with the top scorers list. This software is much helpful to Trainee as it is not necessary for them to come to college to know their sectional marks. They can easily get their entire academic record using this software. If Trainee have any doubts or queries to their faculties they can mail it to the faculty using this software. Trainee receive mails about their pending leave forms and attendance shortages.
Administer administers the entire system. There is administrator login for administrator. Administrator enforces the security measures. Administrator allows only valid users to use this software i.e. only the faculties and Trainee of the college can use this software. Whenever a new faculty or student joins the college administrator has to register him/her to the database. In the same way whenever a faculty or student leaves the college administrator has to update the database. Administrator allows only the faculty who teaches a subject to enter and alter marks of the subject. All other faculties and Trainee can just view the marks. At the commencement of each semester administrator has to update the database by creating new tables. At each semester administrator has to modify the system by changing the subjects allotted to each faculty. Administrator prepares a list of the subjects in each class and the faculty allotted to it.
This system has great advantages as compared to existing system. It uses a database which avoids the redundancy and inconsistency problems. Much security can be enforced in this system. Trainee are not allowed to make changes in the database. Only the concerned faculty of a subject in a class is allowed to enter and modify the marks awarded to Trainee. Other faculties can view the marks but they are not allowed to make changes. Another plus point of this software is that it gives the entire academic details of a student in a college starting from his first semester. Moreover it helps to keep up the communication between faculty and student through mails.

The various activities that are to be done in this project can be classified under different headings below:
1) Registration
This deals with the registration of Trainee and faculty with the site. Trainee and faculties are given different registration forms. Using the details entered by the student in the registration form, student profiles are created. Once registered they will have a login id and password and they will be redirected to their corresponding pages. There will be options for changing password and new user sign in.

2) Mark Tabulation (done by me)
This deals with the entire mark tabulation duties. After each series test and model exam corresponding faculty will enter the marks obtained by the Trainee in the exam to the site. Series test marks will be out of 50 and model exam marks will be out of 100. They have to be converted into out of 30. This is done at the end of the semester based on the formula inserted by the faculty. This mark will be added with the marks of assignments and attendance to find out the sessional marks for each student. The final sessional mark for each subject is permanently stored in the site. Once the external marks are available from the university they are also entered into the site. Thus final internals and externals of each subject for each student in each semester is present in the site. When these details of all semester are retrieved it gives the entire academic detail of a student in the college.

3) Attendance processing
This deals with the entire attendance related duties. There will be provision for class advisor of each class to enter the weekly attendance. Based on this data Trainee who had taken leaves in that week will be automatically figured. The number of pending leave forms for each student will be modified automatically. When a student submits leave form class advisor has to manually change the pending leave forms list.

The various types of reports generated by this software will be:
a) Series test result for each class.
b) Number of Trainee passed and failed in each subject (class wise).
c) Subjects failed by each student (class wise).
d) Report Card for each student.
e) Class wise sectional marks report.
f) Attendance reports
g) Report showing pass percentage, class toppers, weak Trainee, subject wise average
h) Class average deviation reports.
i)Entire academic detail report of a student.

5) Mailing
This deals with communication between faculty and Trainee through the site. Once the marks are entered faculty can mail the report of marks to Trainee. Faculty can also mail announcements to the Trainee. Faculty can send warning mails to Trainee about their performances. Site sends pending leave form mails and attendance shortage mails to Trainee. If Trainee have any queries or doubts they can mail it to their faculties using this site. Trainee can also mail their practical assignments.

6) Administration (done by me)
The administrator administers entire software. All the security features are enforced by the administrator. Only valid users are permitted to use the software. Users are restricted to Trainee and faculties of the college. Whenever a new faculty or student joins the college they should be registered with the site. Similarly when they leave the college database has to be updated. Whenever a faculty logs in system should check in which all class that faculty teaches and accordingly they should be given permission to change and insert the marks of the subject they are teaching. Marks of other subjects can be just viewed by the faculty. If this faculty is the class advisor of some class then he/she can mail the report cards and mark lists of different exams to Trainee. Only class advisor of a class will be allowed enter weekly attendance of a class. At the commencement of a new semester administrator should update the faculty information ie subjects taught each faculty in each class. Administrator should create new tables for inserting marks of the Trainee in the new semester.

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