Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Project Synopsis

Project Title: www.XML_Tracker.Com

Introduction To application Area

This Project is used to for different Purpose through XML Language and XSL Transaction and including CSS and DHTML Format. The Main idea behind this project is to track the user details of this website and store in an xml file. So we can store and manipulate the data with out using a database. The users of the site can create and host different advertisements based on their requirements. This is main attraction of the site.

Modules of the Project

XML Read And Write Module

XML Advertisement Module

XSL Format Module

XML Data Passing through Remoting

1. XML Read And Write Module

In this module we can write the user entered data we can write the XML format file into Server Machine and Read the file from Server Machine into the same format

2. XML Advertisement Module

The User entered data we can put the Advertisement File and call different pictures through XML format File. And this type we can put the Server and client Machine.

3. XSL Format Module

This Module user data can be converted into XSL files. XSL files is used to presentation of an XML document and used to translate XML documents into other formats like DHTML. XSL files we can make a style sheet language aimed at activities such as rearranging the document that are supported by CSS

4. XML Data Passing through Remoting

The XML Data format passing from Server to Client machine is using Remoting. We can get the Data from different Server to Client Machine.

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